Travel with me, if you will, back to high school physics where we learned that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but rather it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another. Plants use energy to create photosynthesis. The force we use to throw a bowling ball knocks pins down. A storm creates gale winds and causes ocean waves to rise. Some of us have thigh rub and create our own tiny fires when wearing jeans. We interact with someone toxic and suddenly our mood changes. (Yeah…that part.) All energy goes somewhere and that includes individual energy.
Each of us carries our own energy and each interaction or place where we dwell for any amount of time leaves deposits of our energy in spaces and in others. Your body, mind, and spirit react differently to each energy you encounter and when you consider how many energies you run into during the course of a day, it’s no wonder we sometimes feel exhausted or off-center for no apparent reason. The good news is that there is a remedy for this: smudging or saging.
My first experience with smudging was immediately following my divorce. My newly single home felt heavy and I felt tired and cloudy when I was at home. I visited a local metaphysical store and after a quick chat with a staff member, came home and smudged my entire home with white sage. It’s hard to explain the peace I felt afterward…it was akin to having a stuffy nose and then experiencing that first free and clear breath through the nose. The air felt lighter and my home felt like a different space. I was sold.
What I didn’t realize is that in addition to spiritual benefits, sage has real medicinal advantages. Sage smoke goes directly to the brain and is absorbed by the body. According to scientists, sage can clear up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria in a space and disinfect the air. When sage is burned, it releases negative ions, which is linked to putting folks in a positive mood.
My friend, Nikki Nickerson, is a reiki practitioner, gratitude expert, and an overall spiritual gangster. She’s the friend you call when you need some solid prayer, a positive outlook on a grim situation and an overall tightening up of your spirit.

Here’s Nikki’s advice on how to get your smudge on.

Doing all this first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks M!