One of my favorite Halloween traditions is playing a game of BOO with my neighbors. We’re all so busy that sometimes we only get to wave to our neighbors from afar. This is a fun way to share some anonymous not-so-spooky cheer with folks who live close to us. This time of year is all about pretending and playing tricks while getting some cool treats. Booing neighbors gives us a chance for quiet (sneaky) drop offs of treats of our choosing and hopefully get something fun in return. (Free printables at end of this article.)

What is Being Booed?
Think of this as your starring role in Mission Impossible. You are a secret Halloween agent and your assignment is to deliver goodies to neighbors without being seen. Part of your assignment is also to encourage them to keep the party going so others can be recruited into this mission.
Gather up some seasonal fun that can fit in a bag or small container. Then, with stealth, place the goodies somewhere your neighbor is sure to see along with a note that shares what this is all about. Then poof…you vanish into thin air as if you were never there. When they go get the mail or walk the dog or head for work or school, they’ll find your treat and be happily surprised and ready to spread magic to others. You’re adding goodness to the world!

Here’s How
Ready to get it going? There are only three steps to create a ghostly good time in your neighborhood.
Step 1: Gather Your Swag
Plan on Booing two separate households in your community. Gather candy, toys, baked goods, treats, decor - whatever your heart desires. I like to keep things pretty low cost, so others aren’t made uncomfortable. This is intended to be a small, thoughtful gesture. No need to break the bank. A few things I like:
- Glow sticks, bracelets, or necklaces that kids can use while trick or treating
- Bread or cake mix - I really like pumpkin bread mix and mix for Halloween cupcakes
- S’more kits
- Candy from your trick or treat stash
- Seasonal coffee or hot chocolate
- Pre-packaged, pre-decorated cookies
- Halloween party favors, like glow in the dark teeth, plastic spiders and stickers
- Bottles of inexpensive seasonal drinks, like blood orange ginger beer
- Gourds and mini pumpkins

Step 2: Combine the Goods and Include Notes
I like to place my items in a plastic pumpkin or a large brown paper bag. Either way, I add tissue paper and then place my items inside. Include three notes:
- You’ve Been Booed. This lets the neighbor know that this is not a drill. They are in the circle of trust.
- We’ve Been Booed. The recipient should place this someplace conspicuous on their porch or on their door to let others know they’ve already been Booed.
- Info Sheet. This explains the Boo process and what to do to keep the party going.

Step 3: Go Forth and Boo
Get your spy on and go forth and deliver your Boo bags. Make sure you leave them where your neighbors are sure to find them. Remember, animals can surely smell some treats through the packaging like we can, and we don’t want to create a situation. Be mysterious but strategic. You can channel your inner child for a game of ding dong ditch where you ring the bell and run away. My running skills aren’t what they used to be so I either leave it in silence, or take my children with me to help with deliveries.

Your training is complete. Click the links below for a few printables you can use to make your Boo dreams come true. And click here to watch it all come together.
You are officially part of the Boo tribe.
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